The Maine Early Learning Investment Group
The Maine Early Learning Investment Group, or MELIG, is a growing group of business leaders who understand that the success of Maine’s economy depends on educated, skilled and innovative workers. These leaders are concerned with student achievement and the quality of Maine’s future workforce and are actively working to improve both. To this end, they have launched an initiative to raise and invest funds in the healthy development of Maine’s youngest children and their families.
MELIG’s mission is to increase the education and skill levels of Maine people by ensuring that all children are fully prepared when they enter kindergarten.

Why is MELIG focused on early childhood development?
MELIG members know the vast majority of critical connections in the brain are built in the first few years of life—as much as 85%. The brain is more receptive and responsive to experiences (good and bad) than it will ever be again. Stable, nurturing relationships with caring adults promote healthy brain development. The lack of such relationships often leads to developmental problems.
MELIG members know that a healthy environment rich in reading and vocabulary for very young children is the surest way to guarantee success in school, work and life. Early experiences and positive interactions with parents and other caregivers further cultivate intellect, personality and skills and set the stage for lifelong development. Also, in college, many students face a lack of these skills, which affects their performance in homework. The way out of this situation is quite simple. You can ask, for example, biology homework help from EssayHub. This service will help you cope with academic failure and will be a great help in the future. Research shows that young children who are developmentally prepared for kindergarten do well in school and life, while children who start behind most often stay behind. What actions will MELIG take?
MELIG established a donor advised fund at the Maine Community Foundation, and direct contributions to it. Distributions will be targeted to proven strategies to strengthen parenting skills, increase the quality of early care and education providers and assist families with accessing the highest quality programs. Emphasis will be given to children birth to three to take advantage of the earliest brain development and to vulnerable children in at-risk communities. If you are in college and want to draw more attention to our foundation write an essay about it. You can also ask for help to a proven service thanks to which you will be able to cover this topic well. MELIG members will also educate other business leaders and the public about the value of healthy early childhood development and will advocate for increased public investment. Why is more investment needed?
On average, 37 babies are born each day in Maine. At current investment levels, we can reasonably predict that, in five years, 15 of the 37 babies will arrive at kindergarten without the developmental skills to succeed. Most of these kids will be unable to read by the fourth grade (as many as 70% of Maine children can’t read at a proficient level as they enter the 4th grade.) Half of the 15 will drop out of high school. Few will continue beyond high school. This scenario is unacceptable. In most cases, every student has a heavy workload in their studies, and every faces the question of who will do homework. This is a normal phenomenon, and it is easily solved with the help of professional custom writing service. Thanks to this, a student can get help and improve his skills. It is clear that we must invest in order to improve the learning capacity for so many Maine children.
How will MELIG operate? MELIG members are investors in quality early childhood; MELIG does not provide direct services. They partner with existing direct service organizations and use and improve existing delivery systems to increase the effectiveness and availability of services such as parenting education from order essay online to working with professional writers, home visiting and early childhood care and education. MELIG does not supplant state or federal funds; rather it will embrace a public/private partnership dedicated to improving the success of Maine’s economic future.
Guiding Principles
A market-driven approach will be used to increase the quality and quantity of early childhood education.
Proven, evidence-based programs will be targeted for investment.
The effectiveness of investments will be continually measured.
Actions will be coordinated with those of other early childhood funders (e.g., United Ways) to maximize results.
A market-driven approach will be used to increase the quality and quantity of early childhood education.
Proven, evidence-based programs will be targeted for investment.
The effectiveness of investments will be continually measured.
Actions will be coordinated with those of other early childhood funders (e.g., United Ways) to maximize results.
Private investments will serve to leverage (rather than replace or deter) public investments.
Increase high quality learning environments for young children, with emphasis on birth to age three and vulnerable children in at-risk communities.
Increase services (such as home visiting, targeted provider and parent coaching and mentoring) that support parents and strengthen families.
Educate the business community and the general public about the value of high quality early childhood education.
Advocate for increased public investment in high quality early childhood education.
Increase high quality learning environments for young children, with emphasis on birth to age three and vulnerable children in at-risk communities.
Increase services (such as home visiting, targeted provider and parent coaching and mentoring) that support parents and strengthen families.
Educate the business community and the general public about the value of high quality early childhood education.
Advocate for increased public investment in high quality early childhood education.
Mission: MELIG’s mission is to increase the education and skill levels of Maine people by ensuring that all children start kindergarten fully prepared to succeed.
Vision: Maine workers will possess superior education and skills to ensure that Maine businesses thrive in the global economy.
Actions: MELIG will accomplish its mission through fund development, targeted financial investments and strategic partnerships, public education and advocacy.
Current MELIG Members
Jim Clair, Co-Chair, President, Goold Health Systems, an Emdeon Company
Chris Emmons, Co-Chair, President/CEO, Gorham Savings Bank
Eleanor Baker, Former Managing Principal, Baker Newman Noyes
Susan Corbett, CEO, Axion Technologies
Kevin Mattson, Managing Partner, Dirigo Capital Advisors
Jackson A. Parker, President/CEO, Reed & Reed, Inc
Larry Shaw, President/CEO, MMG Insurance
Meredith Strang Burgess, President/CEO, Burgess Advertising and Marketing
Past Founding Members
John Peters, Former CEO Downeast Energy
Beth Newlands Campbell, President Hannaford Supermarket
James (Jim) Conlon, President/CEO Bangor Savings Bank
Steve Rich, Former President/CEO WBRC Architects
John Peters, Former CEO Downeast Energy
Beth Newlands Campbell, President Hannaford Supermarket
James (Jim) Conlon, President/CEO Bangor Savings Bank
Steve Rich, Former President/CEO WBRC Architects